City of Los Angeles

Issuer Overview
City of Los Angeles

Issuer Type: County / City / Town


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Issuer Overview
City of Los Angeles

Issuer Type: County / City / Town


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Welcome to Our Investor Relations Site

Welcome to the investor relations website for the City of Los Angeles. This website is managed by the Office of the City Administrative Officer,  which structures debt issuances and oversees the ongoing management of all tax-secured, General Fund and certain special fund debt programs for the City of Los Angeles. We appreciate your interest and investment in the City’s bonds, as it finances housing, public safety, sanitation, transportation, and other infrastructure projects critical to the City. 

This website provides information about the City’s debt programs, finances, disclosures, bond ratings, and anticipated bond offerings. We are committed to maintaining our strong bond ratings and to being as transparent as possible with the investor community. Thank you again for your interest in our bond programs and your continued support.